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What is error in programming?


In programming languages, errors can occur during the development, compilation, or execution of a program

types of error-

Syntax Error

A syntax error occurs when the code violates the rules and structure of the programming language's syntax. It typically prevents the code from being parsed or compiled. Here's an example of a syntax error in Python:


# Example of a syntax error

print("Hello, World!" # Missing closing parenthesis


In the above code, a syntax error occurs because the closing parenthesis is missing in the `print` statement. The correct syntax requires the opening and closing parentheses to enclose the arguments passed to the `print` function. To fix the syntax error, the code should be written as follows:


# Fixed code with correct syntax

print("Hello, World!")


Syntax errors are usually caught by the compiler or interpreter and are displayed as error messages with information about the location and nature of the error. These error messages help developers identify and rectify syntax errors in their code.

Run-Time Error

A runtime error, also known as an exception, occurs during the execution of a program when an unexpected condition or situation arises that the program cannot handle properly. These errors cause the program to terminate abnormally or produce incorrect results. Here's an example of a runtime error in Python:


# Example of a runtime error

num1 = 10

num2 = 0

result = num1 / num2 # Division by zero



In the above code, a runtime error occurs because it attempts to divide a number (`num1`) by zero (`num2`). Division by zero is an illegal operation and leads to a runtime error called "ZeroDivisionError." When this code is executed, it raises an exception with the error message:


ZeroDivisionError: division by zero


To handle this runtime error and prevent program termination, you can use exception handling mechanisms such as try-except blocks. Here's an example that handles the ZeroDivisionError:


# Handling the ZeroDivisionError

num1 = 10

num2 = 0


result = num1 / num2


except ZeroDivisionError:

print("Error: Division by zero is not allowed.")


In the above code, the division operation is wrapped within a try block, and the except block catches the ZeroDivisionError if it occurs. Instead of terminating the program, it prints an error message indicating the issue with division by zero.

Runtime errors can have various causes, such as accessing an invalid memory location, performing unsupported operations, or encountering unexpected input. Proper error handling techniques help identify and address runtime errors, making programs more robust and reliable.

Linker Error

A linker error occurs during the linking phase when multiple compiled object files are combined to create an executable program. These errors indicate problems with resolving symbols or references between different parts of the code. Here's an example of a linker error in C++:


// Example of a linker error

#include <iostream>

int main() {

std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl;

undefinedFunction(); // Function call to an undefined function

return 0;



In the above code, a linker error occurs because the `undefinedFunction()` is called, but the function definition is missing. The linker is responsible for connecting function calls with their corresponding function definitions. Since the function is not defined anywhere in the code or included from an external library, the linker fails to find the definition, resulting in a linker error.

When this code is compiled and linked, it produces a linker error message similar to the following:


undefined reference to `undefinedFunction()'


To fix the linker error, you need to provide a proper definition for the `undefinedFunction()` or remove the function call if it is not required.

Linker errors can also occur due to issues such as missing library references, duplicate function definitions, or mismatched function signatures. These errors are typically reported during the linking phase of the compilation process.

Resolving linker errors often involves ensuring that all necessary object files and libraries are properly linked, resolving naming conflicts, and providing appropriate function definitions. Understanding the linker error messages and carefully managing dependencies helps in addressing linker errors effectively.

Logical Error

A logical error, also known as a bug, occurs when the program's logic or algorithm is flawed, resulting in incorrect program behavior or unexpected output. Logical errors can be challenging to identify as the code may compile and run without producing any error messages. Here's an example of a logical error in Python:


# Example of a logical error

radius = 5

area = 3.14 * radius * radius # Incorrect formula for calculating area of a circle

print("The area of the circle is:", area)


In the above code, a logical error occurs because an incorrect formula is used to calculate the area of a circle. The formula `3.14 * radius * radius` calculates the area of a square instead. As a result, the output of the program will be incorrect. To fix the logical error, the code should use the correct formula for calculating the area of a circle:


# Fixed code with correct formula

radius = 5

area = 3.14 * radius * radius # Correct formula for calculating area of a circle

print("The area of the circle is:", area)


In the fixed code, the correct formula `3.14 * radius * radius` is used to calculate the area of the circle. The logical error is resolved, and the program will produce the expected output.

Logical errors can occur due to mistakes in algorithm design, incorrect conditional statements, wrong variable assignments, or flawed program logic. They require careful inspection, debugging techniques, and testing to identify and rectify. Techniques such as code review, stepping through the code, or using debugging tools can help identify and fix logical errors in programming.

Semantic Error

Semantic errors occur when the code does not behave as intended due to incorrect usage of programming language constructs or incorrect program

num2 = int(input("Enter another number: "))

result = num1 / num2

design. Unlike syntax errors, semantic errors do not typically produce error messages or warnings. Instead, they may result in unexpected program behavior or incorrect output. Here's an example of a semantic error in Python:


# Example of a semantic error

num1 = input("Enter a number: ")

num2 = input("Enter another number: ")

sum = num1 + num2 # Incorrect operation on string inputs

print("The sum is:", sum)


In the above code, a semantic error occurs because the `+` operator is used to concatenate strings instead of performing arithmetic addition. The `input()` function in Python returns a string, so when the user enters numbers, they are stored as strings. As a result, the concatenation operator `+` is used to join the two strings together, rather than adding the numbers. This will produce unexpected output. To fix the semantic error, you need to convert the input strings to numeric values using functions like `int()` or `float()`:


# Fixed code with correct usage

num1 = int(input("Enter a number: "))

num2 = int(input("Enter another number: "))

sum = num1 + num2 # Correct addition of numeric values

print("The sum is:", sum)


In the fixed code, the `int()` function is used to convert the input strings to integers, allowing the addition operation to perform the intended mathematical calculation.

Semantic errors can also arise from incorrect variable usage, flawed program flow, incorrect use of functions or libraries, or incorrect assumptions about data types or behavior. To identify and fix semantic errors, it is important to carefully review the code, analyze the program logic, and test the program with various inputs to ensure it produces the expected results.

Compilation Error

A compilation error, also known as a compile-time error, occurs when the source code of a program cannot be successfully compiled into machine code by the compiler. Compilation errors are typically caused by violations of the programming language's syntax rules or other issues that prevent the code from being transformed into executable instructions. Here's an example of a compilation error in C++:


// Example of a compilation error

#include <iostream>

int main() {

std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl;

return 0;



In the above code, there is no compilation error. However, let's introduce a deliberate error to demonstrate a compilation error:


// Example with deliberate compilation error

#include <iostream>

int main() {

std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl

return 0;



In this modified code, a semicolon (;) is missing at the end of the line containing the `std::cout` statement. This missing semicolon violates the syntax rules of C++, resulting in a compilation error. When you attempt to compile this code, the compiler will generate an error message similar to the following:


main.cpp: In function 'int main()':

main.cpp:5:5: error: expected ';' before 'return'

return 0;




The error message indicates that a semicolon was expected before the `return` statement. To fix the compilation error, you need to add the missing semicolon:


// Fixed code with correct syntax

#include <iostream>

int main() {

std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl;

return 0;



Once the semicolon is added, the code will compile successfully without any compilation errors.

Compilation errors prevent the program from being translated into machine code and, therefore, must be resolved before executing the program. These errors often result from syntax errors, missing or mismatched declarations, incorrect data types, or other violations of the language rules. Understanding the error messages provided by the compiler is essential for diagnosing and fixing compilation errors.

Exception Handling Errors:

Exception handling is a mechanism used in programming to catch and handle exceptional or error conditions during program execution. However, errors can occur if exception handling is not properly implemented or if the error-handling code itself contains bugs. Here's an example of an exception handling error in Python:


# Example of an exception handling error


num1 = int(input("Enter a number: "))

print("The result is:", result)

except ValueError:

print("Invalid input. Please enter a valid number.")

except ZeroDivisionError:

print("Error: Division by zero is not allowed.")


print("An error occurred.")


In the above code, there is an exception handling block that attempts to handle specific exceptions. However, there is a problem with the order of the except blocks. Python exception handling follows a top-down approach, where the first matching except block is executed. Since the generic except block (`except:`) is placed at the end, it will catch all exceptions, including `ValueError` and `ZeroDivisionError`, making the specific except blocks redundant.

To fix the exception handling error, the specific except blocks should precede the generic except block:


# Fixed code with corrected exception handling


num1 = int(input("Enter a number: "))

num2 = int(input("Enter another number: "))

result = num1 / num2

print("The result is:", result)

except ValueError:

print("Invalid input. Please enter a valid number.")

except ZeroDivisionError:

print("Error: Division by zero is not allowed.")

except Exception:

print("An error occurred.")


In the fixed code, the specific exception blocks (`ValueError` and `ZeroDivisionError`) are placed before the generic exception block (`Exception`). This ensures that the specific exceptions are caught and handled properly, while the generic exception block acts as a fallback for any unanticipated exceptions.

Exception handling errors can include incorrect ordering of exception blocks, inadequate error messages, incorrect exception types, or insufficient error handling logic. It's crucial to carefully design and test exception handling code to ensure that it effectively captures and handles exceptions without introducing errors of its own.

Environmental Errors:

Environmental errors in programming typically refer to errors or issues that arise due to the environment in which the program is executed. These errors can be caused by factors such as hardware limitations, software dependencies, network connectivity, or system configurations. Here are a few examples of environmental errors:

1. Insufficient Memory Error: This occurs when a program tries to allocate more memory than the system can provide. For example, if a program attempts to create a large array or allocate excessive memory dynamically, it may encounter an "Out of Memory" error.

2. File Not Found Error: This error occurs when a program tries to access a file that does not exist in the specified location. It can be caused by incorrect file paths, permissions issues, or the file being moved or deleted. For instance, if a program tries to open a file for reading but the file is missing, a "FileNotFoundError" or similar error may occur.

3. Network Connection Error: Programs that rely on network connectivity may encounter errors if the network connection is unavailable or disrupted. For example, if a program tries to establish a connection to a remote server but encounters network issues, it may result in errors such as "ConnectionRefusedError" or "TimeoutError."

4. Configuration Error: This error can occur when a program relies on specific configurations or settings that are missing or misconfigured in the environment. For instance, if a program depends on a certain environment variable being set, but it is not properly configured, it may lead to errors or unexpected behavior.

5. Dependency Version Conflict: Programs often depend on external libraries or frameworks. If there are conflicts between different versions of dependencies, it can cause errors during program execution. This issue can arise if the program requires a specific version of a library that conflicts with the version installed in the environment.

Environmental errors can vary depending on the programming language, platform, or specific circumstances. It's essential to consider the environmental factors and potential error scenarios when developing and testing programs to ensure they function correctly in different environments. Proper error handling, robust exception management, and thorough testing can help mitigate and address environmental errors.
